题目: [栖湖讲座(第四十七期)] Anomalous surface state in topological magnetic materials
时间: 2023年08月17日 14:00
地点: 怀柔园区MA楼428会议室
报告人: 钱玉婷

韩国基础科学研究所   博士





Surface states are the fingerprint of topological materials due to the anomalous characteristics that are unachievable in ordinary periodic systems. Especially, in magnetic crystals, there is great potential to achieve new distinct anomalous surface states. Firstly, I will introduce a new type of magnetic TCI, coined the topological magnetic Dirac insulator (TMDI), whose two-dimensional (2D) surface hosts fourfold-degenerate Dirac fermions protected by either the p'c4mm or p4'g'm magnetic wallpaper group. The bulk band topology of TMDIs is protected by diagonal mirror symmetries, which give chiral dispersion of surface Dirac fermions and mirror-protected hinge modes. A class of candidate materials for TMDIs, including Nd4Te8Cl4O20 and DyB4, will be also  introduced. Second, I will introduce another interesting ferromagnetic topological semimetal CoS2,  which possesses a new type of topological surface state, dubbed floating surface state (FSS).  The fundamental origin of the dominant FSSs in CoS2 is unveiled: obstructed atomic band topology and broken crystal field, spreading over the entire surface Brillouin zone independent of surface orientation. Moreover, the surface states from topological nodes just mildly modulate the surface band connection while global surface state structure is governed by the FSS. The two types of FSSs have the opposite spin polarizations and their relative weight varies depending on the termination surface, which allows to control the surface spin polarization  through surface manipulation. 


[1]“Magnetic wallpaper Dirac fermions and topological magnetic Dirac insulators”, Hwang Y, Qian Y, et al, npj Computational Materials 9, no. 1 (2023): 65.

[2]“Floating spin-polarized surface states of pyrite ferromagnetic topological semimetal CoS2”, Qian Y et al, submitted.



邀 请 人:吴泉生 特聘研究员

联 系 人:王慧颖 why@iphy.ac.cn