题目: [应用物理前沿讲座(9)] Optical nanofibers--Some experiments in optomechanics
时间: 2024年07月01日 10:30
报告人: Luis Orozco 教授

Joint Quantum Institute, Department of Physics and NIST, University of Maryland



Ph.D. 1987, University of Texas at Austin. 

Awards and Fellowships: 

IBM Graduate Fellow 1986-87 

Guggenheim Fellowship 1998-99 

American Physical Society (APS) Fellow 2000 

Distinguished Traveling Lecturer Division of Laser Science-APS 2002-26

Optical Society of America (OSA) Fellow 2003 

Institute of Physics (UK) Fellow 2005 

Corresponding Member Academia Mexicana de Ciencias 2005 

Philip Merrill Faculty Mentor UMD 2010-2011 

Doctor Honoris Causa, Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica, Mexico 2016 

Catedra de Investigacion del Instituto de Fisica, Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi, Mexico 2018 

Enrico Fermi Colloquium at University of Florence, Florence 2019 ,


Optical nanofibers are produced by gradually reducing an ordinary single-mode optical fiber to half-micron diameters, less than the typical wavelength we use at 780 nm. A propagating electric field induces a torque in the nanofiber depending on the angle between the birefringent axis of the fiber and the electric field. We have studied the optomechanical coupling of light and the torsional mode one of those nanofibers. We have observed significant changes, decrease and increase, in the thermal noise of the fundamental torsional mode depending on the angle of polarization with respect to the birefringence axes of the nanofiber. We measure the thermal noise reductions with the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution of amplitude fluctuations and show cooling by three orders of magnitude from room temperature when using feedback in the cooling process.


邀请人:吴令安  研究员

