题目: [青促会物理论坛(131)] 硅基电光调制技术的革新蓝图
时间: 2024年11月06日 11:15
报告人: 张巍巍


张巍巍,松山湖材料实验室研究员,硅光子通信与传感团队负责人,获资国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目。曾任职于南安普顿大学,永久职位岗高级研究员,先后参与欧盟FP7、H2020、EU Photonics Hub等多个集成硅光子项目。研究领域聚焦于硅光子高速通信器件与高密度集成,近年来在面向下一代低功耗、高带宽的微型高速硅光子器件方面开展了系统性的研究工作。相关成果先后发表在Nature Photonics,Optica,ISSCC等国际权威期刊及国际会议累计发表论文及报告200余篇次,申请5项国际专利。







Integrated electro-optic modulators offer huge potential to meet communications and computations' rapidly growing bandwidth requirements. Devices based on silicon allow high-volume, low-cost CMOS fabrication, and co-integration with the CMOS circuits. They are promising candidates for mass-producible Tb/s-scale inter-rack and intra-rack interconnects. This talk will focus on our advancement of silicon-based optical modulators: (1) miniaturized all silicon MOSCAP modulators for co-packaged optics and its integration with low voltage drivers, allowing low optical power consumption of 2 pJ/bit. (2) Novel carrier absorption enhanced electro-optical modulation in MOSCAP ring resonators towards integration with ultra-low voltage (<1V) CMOS drivers; (3) Carrier depletion ring unity device for large scale and high bandwidth density error-free link


邀请人: 张建军(电话:9869 )

报告联系人:王子昊 (82649896, wangzihao@iphy.ac.cn)
