A generic closed quantum many-body system will inevitably tend to thermalization, whose local information encoded in the initial state eventually scrambles into the full space, known as quantum ergodicity. A paradigmatic exception in closed quantum systems for strong ergodicity breaking is known as many-body localization, where strong disorder-induced localization prevents the occurrence of thermalization. It is generally recognized that a localized quantum system would be delocalized under dissipation induced by the environment. However, this consequence recently has received challenges where an exotic dissipation-induced localization mechanism is proposed, and transitions between localized and extended phases are found. In this talk, I will promote this mechanism to systems for weak ergodicity breaking hosting quantum many-body scars (QMBS) where they relax to the steady state dominated by QMBS, and the dissipative dynamics exhibit dynamic revivals by suitably preparing initial states. We point out an experimental realization of the controlled dissipation with cold atomic setup held in Rydberg atom arrays. This makes the signature of ergodicity breaking visible over dissipative dynamics and offers potential possibilities for experimentally preparing stable QMBS with associated coherent dynamics.