University of Fuzhou University
We investigate the localization behavior of two-particle Hubbard model in the presence of non-reciprocal tunneling and non-Hermitian bound states can be obtained with strong repulsive interaction. Remarkably, the interaction induced bound state localization (BSL) can compete with non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) and give rise to diverse density profiles. Via the quantum scattering methods in the center of mass frame, the system can be mapped to an effective two dimensional (2D) lattice with the two-particle interaction contributing to a defective line. For the bound states, in contrast to the Hermitian BSL, which gets it maximum pinned around the center of lattice, NHSE can lead to a faded diagonal line localization. For the unbound scattering states, unlike the single corner localization in the 2D Hatano-Nelson model, interaction can force the total localization to split into multiple centers. To make the system topological nontrivial and search applications in quantum optics, we further include terms taking the form of two-photon tunneling and the non-Hermitian photon bound pairs are also observed, which demonstrates a competition among NHSE, BSL and edge localization. Finally, we propose the experimental simulations via the platforms of electrical circuits.
Huan-Yu Wang received his BS degree in physics from Renmin University and gained his Phd at institute of physics, Chinese academy of sciences. He is currently an associate professor in Fuzhou university. His main research focuses non-Hermitian topological physics, dynamical topological phases obtained by Floquet engineering, topological supersolid states achieved by long range tunneling. He also fosters interests in simulating topological states via platforms of electric circuits.