Intermetallic nanoparticles: their synthesis and enhanced electrocatalysis
2024年06月17日 10:00

地点:Intermetallic nanoparticles: their synthesis and enhanced electrocatalysis
报告人:Prof. Shouheng Sun

Artificial high Tc superlattices (AHTS) made by quantum design showing superconductivity controlled by nanoscale lattice heterogeneity via Fano Feshbach resonance
2024年05月29日 09:00

地点:Artificial high Tc superlattices (AHTS) made by quantum design showing superconductivity controlled by nanoscale lattice heterogeneity via Fano Feshbach resonance
报告人:Prof. Antomio Bianconi

Moiré fractional phases of matter
2024年05月16日 10:00

地点:Moiré fractional phases of matter
报告人:Prof. Nicolas Regnault

2024年04月01日 14:30

报告人:汪宏 教授

Synchrotron and Neutron for Materials Research
2024年03月30日 15:00

地点:Synchrotron and Neutron for Materials Research
报告人:任洋 教授

Chiral metals and superconductors for novel spintronics
2024年02月28日 10:00

地点:Chiral metals and superconductors for novel spintronics
报告人:Prof. Dr. Hiroshi Yamamoto

Quantum phase transitions and simulations with circuit QED systems
2024年01月15日 10:00

地点:Quantum phase transitions and simulations with circuit QED systems
报告人:郑仕标 教授

New perspectives in magnetocaloric research: from characterization techniques to new materials
2023年12月11日 14:00

地点:New perspectives in magnetocaloric research: from characterization techniques to new materials
报告人:Professor Victorino Franco

Construction of Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases with Duality Transformations
2023年12月05日 10:00

地点:Construction of Symmetry-Protected Topological Phases with Duality Transformations
报告人:Professor Masaki Oshikawa

A self-consistent theory for quantum droplets of atomic gases
2023年12月01日 10:00

地点:A self-consistent theory for quantum droplets of atomic gases
报告人:易俗 研究员