崔琦讲座 第三十二讲
题目: QEDFT: a new framework to describe the nonequilibrium dynamics of interacting electron phonons and photons
时间: 2024年10月20日 09:30
报告人: Professor Angel Rubio



Confining electromagnetic fields inside an optical cavity can enhance the light-matter coupling between quantum materials embedded inside the cavity and the confined photon fields. When the interaction between the matter and the photon fields is strong enough, even the quantum vacuum field fluctuations of the photons confined in the cavity can alter the properties of the cavity-embedded solid-state materials even at equilibrium and room temperature. This approach to engineering materials with light avoids fundamental issues of laser-induced transient matter states. To clearly differentiate this field from phenomena in driven systems, we call this emerging field cavity engineering materials. In this review, we first present theoretical frameworks, especially, ab initio methods, for describing light-matter interactions in solid-state materials embedded inside a realistic optical cavity. Next, we overview a few experimental breakthroughs in this domain, detailing how the ground state properties of materials can be altered within such confined photonic environments. Moreover, we discuss state-of-the-art theoretical proposals for tailoring material properties within cavities. Finally, we outline the key challenges and promising avenues for future research in this exciting field.


Angel Rubio教授,德国马克斯普朗克结构与动力学研究所所长,美国西蒙斯基金会Flatiron研究所杰出研究科学家,德国汉堡大学教授。研究领域涉及凝聚态物理中非平衡新奇物态、拓扑和强关联材料的探索与描述,材料电子结构性质的理论建模及非平衡态光与物质相互作用模拟,主导开发了被广泛使用的含时密度泛函计算软件包OCTOPUS。共发表400余篇出版物,引用次数超过40000次,36篇论文被评为“高被引论文”,入选爱思唯尔高被引学者。Rubio教授2014年当选美国科学院外籍院士,2016年当选欧洲人文和自然科学院院士, 2020年当选欧洲科学院院士,2022年当选柏林-勃兰登堡科学与人文学院院士,并于2023年当选德国国家科学院院士和中科院外籍院士,获得了包括西班牙布拉斯·卡布雷拉国家研究奖(2023年)、马克斯–玻恩奖(2018年)、西班牙皇家物理学会金奖(2016年)在内的多个国际著名奖项。

地点: 中国科学院物理研究所M楼234报告厅

联系人:胡江平 研究员(8264 9818)

    孟胜 研究员(8264 9396)