国际合作中心报告 2023年第16期
题目: Aggregation of dipolar chains
时间: 2023年09月13日 14:00
地点: 物理所 M楼253会议室
报告人: Prof. René Messina

University of Lorraine, France

腾讯会议ID:  578-799-831



Self-assembly of dipolar particles assisted by external magnetic/electric field is relevant in the development of a wide range of applications. The inherent chain formation leads to outstanding magnetic properties that can be beneficial to drug delivery, microfluidic systems, electrophotographic devices, data recording, etc.

In this talk, I will address the lateral aggregation of dipolar chains driven by thermal fluctuations in an external strong magnetic field. A newly discovered simple electrostatic mechanism is exposed. The resulting curvature-mediated quadrupolar coupling rationalizes the counter-intuitive lateral coalescence of dipolar chains. Besides, our Monte Carlo simulation results corroborate this mechanism. These findings shed new light on a longstanding problem in soft matter and related areas.

Brief CV of Prof. René Messina:

René Messina studied physics at the University of Strasbourg in France and obtained there his Master Degree in 1994. He then moved to Paris (French Aerospace) where he gained his Doctor's degree in Physics and Materials Science (under the supervision of Ladislas Kubin) at the University of Paris Orsay in 1998. In 1999, he embraced a new field of research, (charged) soft matter, in the group of Kurt Kremer in Mainz at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. Several important publications concerning charged colloids and polyelectrolytes stem from that stay. In summer 2002, he started working with Hartmut L?wen in Düsseldorf, first as a post-doc during one year, and then about 8 years as an assistant professor. After 9 years spent in Germany, René Messina accepted a call at the University of Lorraine in France where he has been full Professor since 2011. His current research interest concerns self-assembly in dipolar systems.

邀  请  人:Erdal Celal Oguz  副研究员

联  系  人:傅    琦(82649469)