国际合作中心报告 2023年第18期
题目: Interdisciplinary study of photonics, free electrons, and quantum physics
时间: 2023年09月19日 14:00
地点: 物理所 M楼253会议室
报告人: Dr. Zhexin Zhao

Friedrich-Alexander-Universit?t Erlangen-Nürnberg

腾讯会议ID:  652-703-702



Recent studies in the interdisciplinary area of photonics, free electrons, and quantum physics open up new applications, such as free-electron light sources, dielectric laser accelerators (DLAs), and optical manipulation of electron pulses. In particular, DLAs utilize the strong field in laser to accelerate the electrons, which provide high acceleration gradient, compact size, and potentially low cost.  DLAs have a wide range of applications in scientific research, industry, and medical diagnosis and treatment. With progress in the optical control of free electrons, researchers have demonstrated the wave-function engineering of free electrons, which promotes the application of free electrons for quantum manipulation and quantum sensing.

In this presentation, I will talk about this exciting research area and share my studies on the design of dielectric laser accelerators, electron compression with optical beat note, and quantum free-electron–atom interaction.

Brief CV of Dr. Zhexin Zhao:

Dr. Zhexin Zhao obtained the bachelor degree in electronic engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2015, and the M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering (with Ph.D. minor in physics) from Stanford University, U.S., in 2018 and 2021, respectively. She received the Stanford Graduate Fellowship (2016), the Robert H. Siemann Fellowship (2020), and SPIE Women in Optics 2024. Her research focuses on photonic theory and design, including electromagnetic theory, light-matter interaction, laser-based electron acceleration and modulation, and optical design for augmented reality.

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