中关村论坛 418
题目: When III-V met Silicon
时间: 2023年10月19日 15:00
地点: When III-V met Silicon
报告人: Professor Kei May Lau

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology


Kei May Lau is a Research Professor at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST).  She received her degrees from the University of Minnesota and Rice University, and served as a faculty member at the University of Massachusetts/Amherst before joining HKUST in 2000. Lau is a Fellow of the IEEE, Optica (formerly OSA), and the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences. She is also a recipient of the IPRM award, IET J J Thomson medal for Electronics, Optica Nick Holonyak Jr. Award, IEEE Photonics Society Aron Kressel Award, US National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Awards for Women (FAW) Scientists and Engineers, and Hong Kong Croucher Senior Research Fellowship.


Niche applications such as high-frequency and photonic devices have been dominated by compound semiconductors, which have an innate wavelength-tuning flexibility and can facilitate extremely high-speed transport of electrons with various heterostructures. In our laboratory, we have taken various approaches and developed high-quality III-V on silicon for transistors and lasers by direct hetero-epitaxy, including blanket and selective growth. The crystalline quality of these epitaxy has been verified by various material characterizations and successfully adopted for laser and other active device applications. This talk will describe these technologies in our toolbox.

邀请人:王    霆(8264 9896)

联系人:胡    颖(8264 9361)
